Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Harry Potter in India


"Our talents increase in the using, and every faculty good or bad, strengthens by exercise." Anne Bronte

Harry Potter in India
With due apologies to JK Rowling, this tale was written to fill in the gap between the last and last but one book on HP. Since my boys and I had enjoyed them so much I decided to bring Harry to India.
Harry is on a holiday having finished with school and finishing off Voldemort. He’s on top of the world but a little tired of being a celebrity in the wizarding world. So he comes to Jodhpur and, Jaisalmer in relative anonymity for some fun and learning some tricks to meditate. Is still a seeker, searching for something for what he can’t formulate… 
   “Ah there you are Robby” exclaimed Harry Potter to the thin air at the back of his head. Slowly the peaked ears and sorrowful face of the masochistic house-elf filtered in. The large saucer shaped eyes appeared accusing and just waiting to burst into tears. He was  a perfect lookalike of his brother  Dobby.
  “Master, he began his voice on the verge of cracking up, you are going away!”
   “Yes Robby and stop ‘Mastering’ me now. I am no longer your master. I had set you free a long time back. Now all elves are free.”
    “Ma.. Harry please don’t go away. You don’t know what dangers lie in India …”
 Then he clapped his hands over his mouth as Harry’s face registered incredulity if that was possible. (Harry Potter had received yet another injury on his face in his last fight with Voldemort. This time one of his eyebrows had been pulled into a permanently quizzical look. A sneering one. No longer innocent. In fact all Hermione’s attempt to get his face right had failed. People in the wizarding world look at him in alarm and fear) Harry bound Robby’s arms behind his back in a vice like grip.
     “So its public news that I am going to Jodhpur ?”
   Robby’s eyes were overflowing with tears and in a broken sobbing voice he replied,    
     “No, no I came to know of it as I was dusting your table and the tickets were kept in the blue file.”
    “Robby stop snooping on me. And no I will not let you accompany me anywhere but least of all to India .”
    Robby’s face turned a purple blue in an attempt to withhold his emotions, he croaked,
    “Harry I have heard there are sorcerers and witches more evil than Voldemort.”
    Harry attempted to smile which made his face contort into a vicious sneer.
    “Dear Robby you should know that our forefathers ruled that country for several centuries and when they decided it was too cumbersome to rule divided them into feuding states. If our forefathers with limited knowledge and resources could not be daunted you think I should be frightened? Have some faith in my powers of self preservation at least!” 
    “But why India ? Why not Europe , or America there are people like you?” Robby persisted.
   Harry’s patience was running out, “Robby you suggest I go to Paris which is burning with racial riots? America after 9/11 is as safe as a ticking bomb! Besides I didn’t know you were such a racist Robby.”
   “Hermione please take Robby off my hands,” pleaded Harry to his old friend as she entered the room.
    “Hi Robby just tell my driver not to wait I will get back by myself.” Hermione commanded.
    The sorrowful elf vanished and the room became perceptively lighter. Both friends appraised each other swiftly and honestly. Hermione had grown thinner almost anorexic but with her hair cut in layers there was an attractive Investment Banker air to her.
   “Oh Harry! You have changed!” She exclaimed.
    Harry gave out a long deep sigh, “So have you. In the final analysis we are all creatures of circumstances. Suppose I didn’t kill Voldemort and he had destroyed my powers instead. I would have probably come back to seek revenge and used all means available to me. Means justify the ends?”
   “I understand Harry, all these innocent deaths of all our friends and teachers have left you devastated. Of all the teachers McGonagall’s loss is particularly hurtful.”
   Harry nodded, “It’s terrible to watch her wandering around Hogwarts with a silly smile on her face asking everyone the way to perdition.”  
   “I am glad Harry that you have shifted her here to Dumbledore’s Turret. She feels most comfortable here. She has many happy memories of her time spent in these walls alone with Dumbledore.”
Hermione patted Harry on the arm.
     “Yes at the end of the day you have to look for strength within. I still recall how much awe and dread she used to fill in me. And in times of crisis I would seek her out.”
    Harry commented as evenly as he could as both friends stared at McGonagall moving in and out of the flower beds waving her burnt out wand and muttering,
   “Expecto Patronous”.
   A small bent female house elf followed behind her discreetly.
   “That’s Magi another of the gifts Dumbledore left me. McGonagall is used to Magi. She used to serve her in the earlier days too.”
 Harry informed Hermione.
    “Initially I used to wonder where she spent her holidays. She was muggle-born like me. Over the years as her parents died she really had no family left to go to, Hermione stated in a faraway voice. She hardly took any break when we were at Hogwarts. Occasionally coming here for a vacation. They were close Dumbledore and her. Spiritually, soul mates. He never married after the untimely death of his wife Agnes. She, Agnes was not from the wizarding world. Probably ignorant about the wizarding world as well. Some say Voldemort was the cause of her demise. She didn’t know anything about him and Dumbledore’s protective magical shield was weakened when she went visiting her sister. Voldemort was waiting for one such opportunity. One of the main reasons that Dumbledore remained his sworn enemy.”
      Harry appeared annoyed, “You cannot put such banal motives behind Dumbledore’s lofty actions. It was a fight against the evil forces.”
    Hermione smiled a bitter smile, “Really Harry? Suppose you had both your parents alive and were muggle born like me. Would you react so sharply?”
    As a look of frowning discomfort crossed his face she continued, “It was a personal fight. A revenge. It gave you a rare high. A sense of grand achievement.”
    “You think so? Did I have a choice?” Harry appeared rather taken aback.
    “I was thrust into it. But Hermione you had a choice and you decided to battle Voldemort too?”
    “I was too young to know any better. The thrill of learning magic overshadowed everything else. To be recognized as a witch and to nurture the talent subsumed all other goals. You were born a wizard. You and Ron took no interest in your studies yet did so well because it was in your blood or genes. Whereas I had to slog hundred times as hard to be anywhere near you.”
    Hermione spoke rapidly as if the unfairness of it all appeared to drown her.
   “Perhaps if Voldemort had his school and he had selected me I would be in the opposite side of the fence.”
  “But he didn’t. He couldn’t or wouldn’t tolerate any mud blood!” exclaimed Harry triumphantly.
   “The fool that he was. Coming from a father who was not from this magical world. He turned his personal rejection into a racial hatred.”
   “Had he also used the talents of mud bloods and mixed species like Hagrid he would give Dumbledore a run for his money.”
     This was blasphemy for Harry, he stared at her in disbelieve. “What’s wrong Hermione?” Harry asked gently pulling her in his arms.
     She tried to struggle but in the end she collapsed into sobs and tearfully mumbled, “Withdrawal symptoms, I guess. I have been so used to fighting Voldemort that now with his going I feel a sense of vacuum. Besides I had been reading a lot about Christ. My parents felt I must not neglect that bit of religious education. He forgave his enemies. Even those who plotted and planned his crucification. Yes to forgive releases a lot of stress. I have heard it somewhere…”

                       Sunny day in the desert
    “Hermione, I am going to India . There’s so much I need to understand. Parvati had sent me an open invitation. Her parents had been a devotee of ‘Maa Brahma Prabha’. Her devotees have built this ashram in a village in Jaisalmer. I will spend some time there.” Harry informed her.
    They drew apart and Hermione asked slowly, “What will you do with all this property?”
    Harry appeared thoughtful. “Dumbledore’s legacy I will hold in trust for Hogwart’s needy students. I have to seek some able lawyers from the magical world. I am naming you and Ron as my trustees. With my godfather’s legacy I am planning to open a Sirius Black Institute for higher Magical studies. I intend to admit students from Asia and African countries. The aboriginals of Australia and Red Indians from America . The Incas and people and cultures that have been marginalized and pushed into a brink of extinction. They have a lot of ancient magical knowledge on healing and life that our modern capitalist world has forced them to forget.”
    Hermione looked at him in awe. “Harry I am so glad you are putting your resources in the right direction. McGonagall had asked me to start an orphanage of wizard’s children with her money. I think she had anticipated what would happen to her. Hermione informed him.  So that no child feels the pain of rejection so deeply that he/she turns into another potential Voldemort.”
    Ron appeared all disheveled. He had apparated in a hurry. His long shoulder length locks which he prided in tying into a pony tail or a plait was uncombed and loose. His feet were bare. Both his friends stared at him in surprise and then broke into an easy laughter.
   “Robby told me you were leaving Harry. You didn’t tell me even? What’s wrong?” Harry shook his head, “Robby’s incorrigible. Ron I have decided to go to India . Just for fun. Besides I want to learn yoga from a real yogi. The yoga guru Baba Namdev, Madam Trelawney had sent was recently arrested in London for driving without a license.”
     Ron looked unconvinced. “Trust her to mislead you. Although I must say she has become withdrawn after her predictions came true. Now she no longer makes any saying that her powers of clairvoyance have been destroyed in the battle with Voldemort. Harry do you really have to go?” The last was almost a plea.
    “Why don’t you come with me Ron? Traveling alone isn’t much fun.”
    Stated Harry. Hermione and Ron exchanged swift significant glances.
   “Harry, the problem is Ginny,” commented Hermione.
 Harry looked straight ahead keeping a wooden face. (If that were possible with the latest disfiguration from Voldemort. This time one of his eyebrows has been pulled into a permanently quizzical look. A sneering one like that of a satyr. No longer innocent.) A sudden heavy sensation filled his body.
     “Well what about her?”
   “She is madly in love with a very tall, broad shouldered fair blonde with blue eyes boy named Arjun. He is a muggle with a capital M. He plays soccer for the local club and is some sort of a national hero.”
    Hermione was being as objective as she could.
    Ron burst out, “Now that this young man is equally besotted she’s the focus of the media. Everyday some nosey parker is trying to figure out our Hogwarts school and way of life.”
     Harry tried to make his voice casual and asked, “Why don’t you put a spell on them which makes them accept her background as a normal high school leaving girls?” 
Hermione let out a long sigh, “The reporters are not a problem. They can be put under any spell. The problem is Arjun. Our spells don’t work on him. He is aware that we are trying to bewitch him and there is an aura about him which acts as a shield. I have discovered that his mother was under the influence of Baba Nirmoha. She had studied Indian mythology and hence named her son Arjun.”
     Ginny arrived spinning like a top and landed on Harry’s chair. The chair which was overloaded with books, notes, papers and Harry’s clothes groaned with the fresh weight and toppled over. Ginny emerged from the sea of aforementioned books, notes and pile of Harry’s clothes looking annoyed but radiant. Her hair was streaked in various shades of blonde and reached up to her knees, set in soft curls. Her eyes flashed angry green sparks.  
      “Oh so you have become my conscience keeper?”
She directed her anger at Ron. She appeared extremely attractive despite her disheveled state. Ginny had been signed on by a leading modeling agency and was a well known model. She loved all the adulation and celebrity status. Her parents had suddenly aged fighting the last battle with Voldemort. The huge Weasley family had slowly drifted apart. Each son involved in his own life. However, they remained united and concerned in providing comfort and solace to each other. Ron felt a sense of deeper responsibility towards Ginny as he was partially responsible for her meeting Arjun.
      Ron began, “I was telling Harry about Arjun. He is the leading Soccer player of England . My editor had assigned me to cover the game. Ginny had accompanied me out of curiosity to know more about the game. After Quidditch this was tame. But you should see the way people were going wild with hysteria whenever a goal was scored!”
    “Since all my other friends from the modeling world had asked for Arjun’s autograph I apparated in his dressing room just as he was entering. Well you should have seen the look of incredulity on his face!” Ginny permitted herself a half-smile.
    Hermione and Ron exchanged looks that said Ginny needed to have her head examined. She was going to flare up again when Harry held out his arms to her. She flew into them and clung to him like a child in her mother’s protective arms.
   “Tell me about Arjun. I would like to meet him…” Harry peered into Ginny’s tear drenched face.
    She nodded, “I was meaning to get him, and he also wants to meet you.” 
   “Arjun knows about us?” Harry asked Ginny still comfortably ensconced in his arms. “Yes he understands us to be some sort of exceptionally gifted people. He says we have been blessed with certain special powers from birth. That we have been able to enhance it through our studies. He’s not a typical muggle…”
     “Hmmm… I have to meet him. He sounds interesting to me.”
   Harry raised his hands in warning as both Ron and Hermione opened their mouths to protest. Ginny appeared relieved and was busy making plans for the meeting. She turned around to see disapproving faces.
   “Ok I know that Harry should not be exposed to any unnecessary danger. I will bring Arjun here tonight.”
    “And the ever alert paparazzi as well?” Ron asked looking at his sister in exasperation. “Don’t worry big bro nobody will be following him.” With that Ginny vanished.
     It was well past two in the morning when Harry unable to sleep was trying to mend the pieces of Dumbledore’s Pensieve. This had broken into only three pieces while warding off Voldemort’s all destroying arrows directed to Dumbledore’s office. The bottles of precious pearly memories had been destroyed, now only these three neat pieces remained. He wished Dumbledore had access to computers. Then maybe some of his thoughts could have been preserved on CD. Harry wondered why they didn’t allow such useful muggle inventions at Hogwarts?  A cool wave of breeze blew in.  Some thing unusual was going to happen, Harry’s straightened up and peered out of the window. Pitch black, with the stars glittering in the sky. Was he imagining it? Ginny appeared with a tall muscular young man. Harry stretched out his hand and received a warm handshake. 
   “Arjun?”  The young man smiled to reveal a shadow of a dimple.
    “You know how to apparate?” Harry asked incredulously.
   “No I know the yoga that teaches you to be in two places simultaneously. My physical body is sleeping in my London home, while my astral body is with you.”
    The young man tried to explain. Ginny glowed with an ethereal radiance. 
   “Harry after meeting Arjun I am convinced that there are many more ways of communication than what our five senses tell us. The moment I set eyes on him I knew he was mine.”
     Then she blushed rose pink and clung to Arjun. Arjun’s eyes were tawny brown and on the football field glittered like an eagle’s to find the hair line openings in the enemy territory. Now they were soft and returned Ginny’s glance with equal warmth.
    “Intuition, sixth sense they call it. But it is all preordained.” Arjun commented quietly.
   “Even this meeting?” Harry asked a little unbelievingly. 
     Arjun nodded again. “I had just finished reading a book on Hogwarts written by Evans a Cambridge historian out of sheer curiosity. Mom’s teaching philosophy at Cambridge University . Then I met Ginny. She speaks non-stop about you. Anyone else would have been jealous. I was keen to meet you.”
     Arjun added by way of explanation. It was Harry’s turn to nod his head in sheer bewilderment.
     Arjun took out a hardbound book with a glossy cover.
    “In this book Evans has assessed the corrosive effect on Hogwart’s society of the Voldemorts' network of surveillance and intimidation. The ghosts of Hogswart equivocal but nonetheless meaningful opposition to Voldemort,( they had all ganged up against Voldemort) the degree of popular support for him, ( many did), are some of the issues raised by Evans which I found interesting. Arjun was still on the book. What accounts for the wizarding people's support at times passive, at times fervent -- for the vicious and often ridiculous thugs who ruled over them for nearly eleven years? Why was the only point of resistance offered by Dumbledore?”
    “So you seem to know a lot about my erstwhile enemy. But why were you keen to know me?” Harry was perplexed.
    Arjun sighed deeply. “My mother taught me that each of us come into this world for a certain purpose. Your birth signified the death of Voldemort.”
   As Harry continued to look puzzled, Ginny said, “It will be better if you meet Ma Magdalene.” 
Then she hesitated a little. “She’s Arjun’s Mom.”
     “You must be feeling a loss of purpose. Questions as to what am I to do now must be filling your mind,” Arjun stated quietly.
    Harry was surprised. Was this footballer a mind reader as well? He appeared so good looking that one was afraid of crediting him with any intelligence.
   “You are nearly nineteen. Even I had my share of questions after I won all my club matches and the world cup finals. Baba showed the way.”
     Harry tried to raise an enquiring eyebrow but couldn’t as his face was already stretched in this way.
             As Harry strolled down the busy Oxford Street casually looking into a book store, Ginny appeared with a tall strikingly handsome woman of fifties with her.
   “This is Harry, Ma Magdalene,” Ginny did the introductions.
    Her piercing blue eyes seem to wash Harry with affection. She smiled and held out her hands, the brief handshake filled Harry with a feeling of belonging he hadn’t ever known before. He tried to smile but his lips twisted making him look queerly mocking. Ma Magdalene understood and strode ahead.
   Suddenly in one of the crowded by lanes they came across a huge gate, that opened into a serene green garden. Harry felt a load of oppressive weight on his shoulder vanish. He felt light, youthful and full of child-like curiosity.
      The garden appeared to stretch endlessly and was filled with flowers in a riot of colours. There were old trees that were laden with bright red fruit. Harry recognized some blue berries but most other trees he couldn’t. Ginny pointed out to some butterflies hovering around the trees. They had brilliant coloured wings. As if some artist had deliberately designed them. One of them settled on Ma Magdalene’s dainty hat.
   Harry for the first time after a long time laughed out, “Ginny look, look at that hat.” And for once was running chasing the butterfly. Harry had forgotten that he could run very fast. Years of trying to run from Dursleys’ meanness and then Voldemort’s evil had made him swift. He turned to see but Ginny was far away and there was no sign of Ma Magdalene. In front of him stood a chubby genial man wearing a white sheet wrapped around his lower half of the body. The upper was covered in a long white kurta. He had shining black long flowing hair.
“Harry Potter welcome to Gyanashram.”
    Harry halted in his tracks, “You are Baba Nirmoha?”
The man nodded. “I have been waiting for you my friend. Do you recognize this?”
 Harry looked at the amber coloured stone which had a symbol etched on it. He nodded his head. “Yes my mother used to wear it on her neck. I have seen her old pictures.” Harry was intrigued, “You knew my mother?”
    “It’s a very rare amber coloured diamond and the design is a magical symbol etched by a yogi who had been living in the foothills of Himalayas for centuries. It was given to my guru Sri Nabhachari for his long and arduous penance. This amulet protected my guru from all harm. He gave it to me when he had decided to transit from this life. I had given it to Lily when I learnt that she was fighting Voldemort. The amulet always goes to its rightful owner.”
 Harry was amazed to find that stone hanging on a black thread on his neck!
     “When Voldemort attacked her the stone was part of the magical shield she had used to protect you. But with the confusion that followed Voldemort’s partial destruction, the amulet couldn’t follow you. It returned to me the temporary owner.”
    Baba Nirmoha smiled gently. “Come beta there is much catching up to do?” 
“You knew my mother?” Harry was surprised.
   Ma Magdalene had come up from behind, “Yes, she was one of his famous students. I used to envy the ease with which she understood the more difficult yogas and had moved to a higher plane of enlightenment. But your mother Harry was patient with me and all the rest who were not so quick and guided us on the path of Nirvana.” Ma Magdalene informed him.
     Harry felt a sense of pride in his mother’s achievements. His stay with the Dursleys had always led him to believe that his parents didn’t amount to much. His stay in Hogwarts had revealed more about his father than his mother. Yet his encounters with Voldemort had proved his mother’s magical shield had protected him.
     Unknowingly he cried out, “What was the magical shield that I have heard so much about? Because of it even Voldemort faced his debacle.”
   Baba Nirmoha led him inside a long cool hall.
     “Sit,” he commanded.
   Ginny and Ma Magdalene sat on the floor cross legged. Harry followed suit a trifle uncomfortable.
      The Baba began, “When you are mentally emotional and spiritually whole and in tune with your soul purpose and the natural flow of the universal Rhythms you are automatically safe from all harm. You were a small infant Harry when Voldemort attacked you. You had a natural shield. Actual determined all out psychic attack by Voldemort was a real threat your mother faced in protecting you. So she quickly worked on the protective shield. She used Light and Spiritual shakti (energy), invoking angels.   Crystals can be programmed to bring in and help amplify spiritual light and energy. That’s when she had used this amber coloured diamond amulet. I know Lily (your mother) used another form of light - the violet flame of Saint Germane for protection and evaporating negative attachments. That also happens to be your guardian angel. Most of the time Harry your angelic protection has remained as back up rather than being overt.”      
     “Before I entered Hogwarts and didn’t know about Voldemort, I remained relatively safe…”Harry stated aloud trying to formulate his question.
      Baba smiled benignly, “Yes it is true that attention attracts energy and paying attention to attack and fear of any kind can draw it to you. Once you entered Hogwarts and you were exposed to people who feared Voldemort and they made you aware of the threat. Your uncle and aunt didn’t know about such fears and so you were impervious to it. You were unknowingly falling into the trap in Hogwarts of the combined anticipated fears of others.”
*                              *                                        *                                             *               

                            Sand dunes of Jaisalmer    

 Driving down to a deserted village Kuldhara, Harry felt suddenly at peace! As if he was finally reaching his destination. Large undulating sand dunes dotted with tall sturdy cacti was all that he could see on both sides of the road. The whole world was bathed in the bright sunlight accentuated by vast unending stretches of golden sand. It was a relief from all the rain and fog of London . Normally this deserted village was later in the itinerary of the tourist. But Harry having driven down late from Jodhpur , his taxi driver cum guide insisted on taking him there instead of wasting a day in the city. Chandan Singh the driver belonged to Jaisalmer was a talkative young man in his middle thirties. With his thick handle bar mustachio and pleasing smile he informed Harry about the history of the deserted village of Kuldhara .
       As Harry was busy absorbing in the empty houses all interlinked to each other, Chandan Singh began his tale.
    “This village belonged to a very prosperous community of traders’ hukum.” Harry found being addressed as Hukum the equivalent of ‘sir’ rather quaint.
   “Yes, I know Jaisalmer was on the famous silk route,” Harry replied. He was feeling rather proud of his knowledge supplied to him by Hermione. She had read up the encyclopedia and was going to join him in a couple of days. He missed Ron too. Ron would come with Hermione after his editor was cajoled and coerced (in turn) into funding this trip. Ron had promised to snoop around the border areas of India and Pakistan and do an investigative report on arms and heroine smuggling for the newspaper. Hermione had taken a year’s sabbatical. She was joining Hogwarts in place of McGonagall.
   “The king Sajjan Singh took fancy to one of the daughters of the trader, hukum, came the voice of Chandan Singh floating on to Harry’s thoughts. They feared the king’s anger and cruel reprisal on the trader’s refusal. The traders cloaked in the stealth of the night just fled abandoning their village. It is said that they left behind untold wealth dug underneath the rooms.”
      “The king must have taken the wealth?” Harry asked.
     “No, no hukum, only the true inheritors can get it. Anyone else touching it is cursed.” Chandan Singh appeared to have full faith in this folk lore.
    Harry stood entranced at the haunting emptiness of this village. One house was freshly decorated with the local paintings.  Chandan Singh informed Harry that this was done by the state tourism department. Many songs of Hindi films were shot at this locale. The old derelict temple had also been partially renovated. This was also used for attracting sightseers and tourists.
      A gaunt elongated shadow fell on Harry. He turned around to face an ancient tall dark thin man with large luminous eyes. He wore the traditional dhoti and kurta. He had a colourful turban on his head.
       “Bahut der kar di. You have come so late”.
Harry and his driver appeared puzzled and bewildered.
“You are Lily’s son Harry. I have waited so long for you.”
“You knew my mother?” Harry was amazed.
He nodded sadly. “Yes she was named Mrignayani. She had gentle beautiful eyes of a deer.”
    Harry felt a sense of belonging he had never felt before.
“You are Baba Sadiva the eternal one?” Harry was sure that unknowingly his choices were leading him to his destination.
      The ancient sage smiled and held out his arms. Harry moved slowly towards them. He was immediately ensconced in warmth he had never known in his life. No not even when Hagrid had embraced him.  He was soothed and rocked like a small child. All fears, anxieties and persecutions receded. He felt tears running down his cheeks. Pent up tears of loss for Dumbledore, his parents and for a way of life he had never known. For Hogwarts that had changed beyond recognition.
     Harry was flooded with a sense of compassion. He thought of his cousin and felt sorry for his obesity and the resultant health problems he was already facing. Dudley was the result of an obsessive greed. His aunt and Uncle he forgave them. Thoughts swirled down his head Voldemort?  Immediately he stiffened and pulled away. Voldemort had killed his parents.
              Baba Sadiva just shook his head. “Come beta. See what Mrignayani left for you.” Harry was looking at a bead, elongated wrinkled brown.
He turned it around, “What is it?”
Ek mukhi Rudrakhsa, hukum,” replied his talkative driver Chandan Singh in an awed voice.
“This is a rare seed of the Rudraksha tree. The word Rudraksha, in fact, comes from the two Sanskrit words Rudra, a synonym for Lord Shiva, and aksha, meaning “eyes”. Botanically, the Rudraksha tree is known as Elaecarpus ganitrus Roxb. Baba added gently. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is extremely rare. It represents the Supreme Self. Its wearer is bestowed with worldly comfort and spiritual fulfillment.”
    Harry observed that it had one prominent line like latitude running down from the top.
  He felt a strange affinity to this wrinkled brown bead.
“Mrignayani had gone to the Himalayas .” Baba stated.
Harry nodded his head. He knew his mother was fond of trekking. He had seen snaps of her skiing on the Swiss Alps. He was unaware about her Himalayan Odyssey. Almost involuntarily he slipped the bead on his neck. He didn’t feel anything unusual. The sun just shone more brilliantly as it climbed in the sky.
      “This Rudraksha was given to her when she looked after a holy mother Ma Ananda in the foothills of Himalaya . She had blessed her with a son who would make her famous one day. But Mrignayani had prayed for deliverance.”
Harry felt the rough edges of the bead. “Why is this Rudraksha with you?”
  “At the time of Voldemort’s attack, Mrignayani was actually with me. She knew the yoga of being in two places simultaneously. Her actual physical body was here in Jaisalmer while her astral body was fighting Voldemort. In her hurry to protect you the infant she had left behind in England she dropped this Rudraksha. Had she worn it the tale might have been different.” Baba Sadiva’s face usually tranquil was shadowed with pain. He raised his hand in blessing as Harry got up to leave…
   *                             *                              *                       *                                     *

                                       Shonar Killa

    Harry looked at the beautiful yellow sandstone fort in Jaisalmer with a sense of disquiet. The golden fort glowed in the winter sunlight. He had a distinct sense of being followed. He was part of loose tourist group being shepherded by a guide. Harry watched the others clicking on their cameras and hand held camcorders. He also took out his new digital camera and focused on the window above the handicraft shop. He got a fleeting glimpse of Lucius Malfoy! The evil glint was still there al though weakened. There was a young man with him who appeared a local. Harry fingered his magic wand hidden beneath his jacket and felt safe.
    He had grown in the wizarding world and knew so much magic that was forgotten or derelict and many he was not aware of that came to him after he had destroyed Voldemort. It had made him invincible. He also knew that there was a danger in misusing these powers. Hermione had said, “Power corrupts and Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Harry you don’t know your own potential. There will be temptations and once you fall in the trap, there is no coming back.”
 “O.k. I solemnly promise never to misuse my knowledge.”
Harry had taken out his wand and Hermione had taken hers out in a secret and symbolic gesture that tied them together against abuse of power.
    The other tall man with a beard returned his stare for stare. After a while he smiled menacingly from the window above. Harry ignored and followed his group right to the top of the fort. They entered the terrace and again everyone was busy clicking the panoramic view of the city. Harry spotted Malfoy grown thin and gaunt hurrying down the cobbled stone road below.
“Harry Potter?” He whirled around to face that same young man.
 “Don’t think that you are the undisputed king of the wizards. Malfoy has all the hidden treasures of Voldemort.”
With that the man just mingled with the crowds and in a second vanished! Harry felt disturbed.
           Getting to Pattuowen-ki-haveli distracted him as he soaked in the delicate filigree work done on stone. Yet he was sure he was being watched from behind the hidden windows of the top story. He asked the guide, “Nobody lives here?”
“No sahib. This place was abandoned by the owner’s centuries ago. Now the government has renovated the haveli and even set up a few handicrafts shop here.”
  “Are we allowed to go to the top?” asked a particularly enthusiastic young lady from America .
“No madam, the steps are unsafe. Some one slipped and broke his neck last year.” The guide replied. Another guide appeared annoyed at such information being given.
    He chipped in, “Madam it is an ancient haveli and some balcony fell away so we are not allowed to go up.”
     “Hi Harry! Harry old man here, just behind you.” It was Ron’s voice alright but Harry could see no one. Then slowly in the dim light he saw Hermione shimmer out of a shop closely followed by Ron. Harry stared in disbelief. They had apparated in Jaisalmer!
“You are not supposed to use magic outside Hogwarts…” he began sternly.
Hermione just smiled calmly. “There was a bomb scare in the flight from Delhi . There was no flight till tomorrow. We knew you would leave by tomorrow. So here we are!”
          “Malfoy’s here!” Harry informed his friends.
 Ron raised an eyebrow. Hermione looked serious, “Yes, he has been recruited by Al-Keeda a militant organization”.
      Harry nodded his head, “The Intelligence Chief had met me in London and told me to be careful.”
              Ron added, “My informants told me of a large school where the young recruits for terrorists are trained in magical practices. The better and more committed ones graduate to a higher level. In fact the bomb blasts in London was a preliminary test case.”
    Suddenly the holiday mood vanished.
“I was planning to spend some time with Baba Sadiva. He has his ashram on the border village of Aksu ,” Harry stated with a sigh.
    “I will come with you. I want to learn the yoga that your mother knew about being in two places at the same time.” Hermione spoke with her earlier enthusiasm.
   “The camel safari is what I want to do, and see the sand dunes,” Ron said eyeing the majestic disdainful camels from afar.
    “Hukum my brother will take you to a place where no tourist is allowed. He works with the army patrol on the border,” offered Chandan Singh.
   *                             *                                  *                                     *
    Days spent in the Baba Sadiva’s ashram led both Harry and Hermione to different paths of spiritual fulfillment. Harry performed shraddha conducted by the Baba to release all the tormented spirits that roam around & seek their fulfillment from unsuspecting mortals. At one go Moaning Myrtle and all the ghosts of Hogwarts are set free. They give their blessings & vanish. Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff ghost Nearly Headless Nick, Mimsy-Portington, Nicholas de (sir) the Gryfffindor ghost that was beheaded 31st October 1492 , but his head wasn’t parted.
     Harry feels a sense of peace descend on him. As he gets up and heads towards his room he has a glimpse of Hermione sitting cross legged intensively involved in meditation. He smiled. Trust Hermione to take things so seriously and ending up achieving all her goals.
        He was missing Ron. Where was he? Well he was bravely swaying on a camel near the Indo- Pak border on a moonless night. His companion a thin reed-like fellow had promised to show him something unusual. In the pitch black darkness he made out a figure moving in the sand dunes. He was proceeding to a place behind another large dune.
      From his perch and with night vision glasses on Ron was surprised to see the man dig out a largish parcel. “What’s that?”
         “Sir, they are drugs the man has come to collect.” Ron’s guide whispered in the dark. The whisper must have carried to the figure as it became erect and opened fire in their direction. Ron swiftly used the Backfiring Jinxes (Jinxes that makes thing backfire). The blur was now horizontal and they heard several people running for their lives.
    Ron flashed torchlight on the prostrate figure. A tall bearded man lay face down. The bullet had caught him in the thigh. Ron picked up the contraband as slowly more police on camels arrived. Vikram Singh his guide was bowing to the cops and explaining how he had managed to catch the well known smuggler.
      Ron discovered that Vikram Singh was a police informer apart from being a camel breeder. He helped in hunting down smugglers of drugs and arms and ammunitions. Vikram Singh was familiar with the sand dunes. He was hated by the smugglers as he had with stood their tempting offers to buy him out.
    “Hukum earlier gold was smuggled. Then narcotics and arms fetch the highest amount of reward. It comes in from Pakistan and sold overseas. India is not the final destination.”
     Ron returned to the ashram to find Harry packing to leave for Bikaner .
Bikaner has a temple dedicated to rats. They worship them. Come may be you will find some solace there.” Harry added recalling Ron’s pet rat who turned out to be Voldemort’s loyal adherent. Ron was silent, the betrayal of his pet writ large on his pale face.
    The road to Bikaner was pleasantly free from all traffic. So Chandan Singh was keeping his foot pressed on the accelerator. Only swerving in time to avoid a large goat that had strayed from the herd. He carried on in his rich sing-song voice, “Here people have great faith in Karni Mata mandir. It houses huge rats that are fed all the sweets and fruits that are offered to the Devi. If you are lucky sahib you will get to see a white rat.”
    To be continued....

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